| tm154: The 2nd tallest woman (a teacher?) has been tentatively identified as Lola Margaret Hogg, daughter of John A. and Margaret (Hall) Hogg
 | tm155: R.W. William "Will" Hogg (bottom row center). Others unknown. Perhaps the graduating senior boys? Will is the son of John A. & Francis Beatrice (Nutter) Hogg.
 | tm156:
 | tm157: R.W. William "Will" Hogg (2nd from the right in the 2nd row). Others unknown. Perhaps the graduating class? Will is the son of John A. & Francis Beatrice (Nutter) Hogg. The woman standing at the left in the light-colored dress is tentatively identified as Jennie Nutter, daughter of William and Dinah (Ingham) Nutter.