William and Orie Hogg

William Harrison Hogg, son of Robert and Eliza Hogg, was born on June 2, 1870.

Orie Donaldson was born January 26, 1875 in Pennsylvania.

William and Orie married around 1898, and they had the following children, all born in Butler County, Pennsylvania.:

Robert Dallas HoggBorn August 9, 1899.
Margaret Edith HoggBorn April 8, 1903.
Henry Raymond HoggBorn October 18, 1909.

William was a farmer, then a machinist. During the depression he worked as a laborer on the railroad. He died April 11, 1940. Orie died May 14, 1958. Both died in Butler County.

Last revised August 17, 2003. If you have comments, corrections or additional information or pictures you would like to contribute, feel free to contact Dave Nims.